12 Januari 2009

Booting Linux lewat XP

Untuk menambahkan kernel Linux Anda pada boot loader sehingga dapat memasukkan menu Linux dalam pilihannya, Anda harus menyalin kernel Anda ke partisi /drive Windows NT. Caranya:
1. Masuk ke lingkungan Linux. Siapkan disket jika perlu.
2. Dengan asumsi Linux Anda berada pada/dev/hda2 jalankan perintah berikut dengan account root :
# dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1
3. Salin file bootsect.lnx ke dalam partisi Windows NT. Jika Anda dapat mengaitkan (mounting) partisi Windows NT di Linux Anda dapat menyalin langsung.
# cd /
# mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt
# cp bootsect.lnx /mnt
# umount /dev/hda1
4. Atau dengan cara menyalin ke disket.
# cd /
# mount -t msDOS /dev/fd0 /mnt
# cp bootsect.lnx /mnt
# umount /dev/fd0
5. Selesai menyalin ke disket, jangan lupa untuk memindahkan ke Drive C:\ jika nanti sudah berada pada lingkungan Windows NT.
6. Boot komputer Anda. Masuk ke lingkungan Windows NT. Jalankan DOS prompt.
7. Sebelum mengedit file boot.ini hilangkan dulu atributnya.
C:\ attrib -r -s boot.ini
8. Lalu edit entri pada boot.ini guna menambahkan salinan kernel Linux Anda ke dalamnya. Edit bisa menggunakan notepad atau program edit di DOS prompt.
[boot loader]
default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT [operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows NT Server"
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows NT Server[vga mode]"
9. Berikutnya, kembalikan lagi atribut filenya.
C:\ attrib +r +s boot.ini
10. Boot komputer Anda dan lihat perbedaannya. Sekarang Anda memiliki menu Linux untuk di jalankan.
OS Loader V4.00
Please select the operating system to start:
Windows NT Server Version 4.0
Windows NT Server Version 4.0 [VGA mode]

Membuat Air Mata Darah

1. Open a photo that has eyes in it in Photoshop.

2. Click the "Edit in Quick Mask Mode" button (or press Q).

3. Choose black from the swatches palette and select the Paint Brush Tool. Begin coloring in the eyes (when in Quick Mask Mode, your paint brush will paint a transparent red to indicate the masked area).
4. When the eyes are completely colored in, select "Edit in Standard Mode" button to exit Quick Mask mode.
5. Goto Select > Inverse to inverse the selection so that only the eyes are selected.

6. Goto Image > Adjustments > Color Balance.

7. Adjust the Red sliders under the Shadows and Midtones sections to add red to the selected eyes of the photo.

8. You should now have the entire eyes, including the cornea, filled with red.

9. Create a new layer and name it "Blood".

10. Choose red from the swatches palette and select the Paint Brush tool. Set the opacity of the brush to 20%.

11. Begin coloring over the entire surface of the eye. Be sure not to lift up your brush as you paint over each eye so that it has an even opacity.

12. Create a new layer and name it "Drip".

13. Choose a dark red color from the swatches palette and select the Paint Brush tool. Be sure that the opacity is set back to 100%. Then color in the drips of the blood at the bottom edge of the eyes.

14. Now choose a lighter shade of the same red and color the highlights on the drips.

15. Goto the Drip Layer, right click it and select "Blending Options".

16. Select the Drop Shadow checkbox and set to the following values or until the shadow behind the blood drip looks convincing.

17. You are now done! You should have blood soaked eyes with a light shadow behind the drips for emphasis.

08 Januari 2009

Membuat Monster Kecil

Start by opening an image of a child preferable screaming or shouting with his mouth open.

Create a triangular shape using polygon shape tool.
Press Ctrl+T. Right click the layer and select warp. Adjust nodes to get the shape as shown.
Double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply layer style with the settings shown.
Duplicate the layer and place it for the other side.
Create a triangular shape using polygon shape tool.
Press Ctrl+T. Right click the layer and select warp. Adjust nodes to get the shape as shown.
Place the horn shape as shown.
Double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply layer style with the settings shown.
Ctrl+Click the layer thumbnail to get the selection. From select menu apply modify>>contract. Contract the selection by 2 pixels. Create a new layer and apply a black to white gradient in linear mode.
Change the layer mode to soft light.
Duplicate the horn layers. Press Ctrl+T. Right click the layer and select flip horizontal. Place as shown in the image below.
Create a thin wireframe shape using custom shape tool.
Double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply layer style with the settings shown.
Create a drop shape using custom shape tool.
Double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply layer style with the settings shown.
Ctrl+Click the layer thumbnail to get the selection. From select menu apply modify>>contract. Contract the selection by 2 pixels. Create a new layer and apply a black to white gradient in linear mode.
Change the layer mode to linear dodge.
Select and merge both the red drop layers. Press Ctrl+T. Right click the layer and select warp. Adjust nodes to get the shape as shown.
Change the layer mode to color burn.
Similarly create some more blood drops.
Select and merge all the layers. Duplicate the layer and change the layer mode to screen.

07 Januari 2009

Menggabungkan Object 3D dengan Foto

Kamu taw gak gimana caranya menggabungkan objek 3 Dimensi dengan sebuah foto? Penasaran gimana caranya?

Temukan jawabannya disini:

1. Ambil sebuah foto dan jadikan sebagai background pada Viewport Perspective. Misalkan foto sebuah microwave seperti pada gambar.

Gambar 01. Background pada Viewport

2. Skenarionya, kamu ingin menempatkan sebuah objek Teapot 3 Dimensi kedalam microwave tersebut. Kamu buat objek Teapot dan Box.

Gambar 02. Objek Teapot dan Box

3. Dengan adanya Box, maka ketika kamu berikan Lighting, objek Teapot akan memunculkan bayangan. Ini akan memberikan kesan yang realistic. Kamu atur posisinya seperti terlihat pada gambar.

Gambar 03. Penyesuaian Posisi Objek dengan Gambar Background

4. Beri sebuah Lighting dengan Omni dan atur posisinya seideal mungkin, kira-kira seperti pada gambar. Jangan lupa aktifkan opsi Shadow.

Gambar 04. Pemberian Lighting

5. Buka Material Editor dan klik tombol Standard

6. Klik ganda pilihan Matte/Shadow

Gambar 05. Pemilihan Fitur Matte/Shadow

7. Pilih objek Box di Viewport dan tekan tombol Assign Material to Selection. Lakukan proses Render. Mantap bukan? ;) Selamat mencoba

Gambar 06. Hasil Akhir Rendering

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